The Odyssey happened after the Trojan War.The main characters are Odysseus,Telemachus, and Penelope. Odysseus went to the Trojan War, but when he tried to come home he was caught in a storm and landed on a lot of islands with mythical creatures. First he landed on an island with a cyclops and Odysseus had to hurt his eye to escape. Then, Odysseus’s crew gets changed into hogs by Circe, a sorceress. Odysseus befriends Circe eventually and stays for one year before leaving. Going home, Odysseus faces Calypso, sirens, sea monsters, and a whirlpool before seeing his wife Penelope being courted by many men. With Telemachus, Odysseus kills all her suitors and wins his kingdom back.

The Odyssey is important when studying Greek history because there is not a lot of written history during this time period. Also, The Odyssey is unique because the family trusts each other and stays together in the end. The story was written by Homer.