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Month May 2018

RPC Week 26: The Pilgrims and the Mayflower

This is the essay for the 26th week of the 7th Grade Ron Paul Curriculum. It’s about The Pilgrims and the Mayflower. The Pilgrims and the Mayflower When Queen Elizabeth I of England died she didn’t have any heir, because she never married…. Continue Reading →

RPC Week 25: Elizabeth I of England

This is the essay for the 25th week of the 7th Grade Ron Paul Curriculum. It’s about Elizabeth I of England. Elizabeth I of England   Elizabeth was born in 1533. Elizabeth was the daughter of Henry VII second wife Anne Boleyn, but… Continue Reading →

RPC Week 24: Edward VI of England and Lady Jane Grey

This is the essay for the 24th week of the 7th Grade Ron Paul Curriculum. It’s about Edward VI of England and Lady Jane Grey. Edward VI of England   Edward VI of England was born on 12th of October, 1537. He was… Continue Reading →

RPC Week 23: The Protestant Reformation

  The Protestant Reformation The Protestant Reformation was a new movement, essentially created by Martin Luther. There were several reformers before Martin Luther, but Martin Luther made the Reformation a force to be reckoned with. He did this by nailing… Continue Reading →

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