taking you along my learning journey..

Month May 2017

Python programming course: Complete Python Masterclass

I finished this Python programming course six days ago. The name of the course is , Complete Python Masterclass. I finished 9-15 sections and 110 out of the 194 lessons. In the course you learn about, the print statement and… Continue Reading →

How the Roman empire affects you today?

Ever wonder how history affects us today? I will tell you one part of history and how it affects you today. Particularly the part about the Roman empire. The things I shall teach you about the Roman empire, that affect… Continue Reading →

Piratenbloed Boekverslag

Vind je boeken van Annejoke Smids leuk? Dan wil je vast weten wat er gebeurt in Piratenbloed. De dingen die je moet weten zijn: wie de hoofdpersonen zijn, wat in het begin van Piratenbloed gebeurt en wat er op het einde… Continue Reading →

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