This is the essay for the 9th week of the 7th Grade Ron Paul Curriculum. It’s about Knighthood and Chivalry.
Knighthood and Chivalry
I shall be looking at what Knighthood and Chivalry are and how it has changed over time.
Knight is a title given to a person honored by the monarch or the king for something the knight did.
Before Knighthood knights were considered to be lesser nobles and mounted soldiers. Knighthood started in the late 11th century when the first military order of Knighthood was made. But the idea of Knights came before that from the Franks after the fall of the Roman Empire. The idea of knights was expanded by Charlemagne. In the early days of the knight, any man who had and could ride a horse and had armor was considered a knight.
Knighthood was part of two systems in the middle ages. The Feudal system and the service of the king’s armies. During the Feudal system, Knighthood became more respected
Knights rode horses in battle, but they were different from cavalry. A person in the cavalry is not necessarily a knight.
The orders of Chivalry were very important to a knight. The knight’s organized code they should follow. Chivalry was being developed around 1170. The code of Chivalry included ethical standards that every knight had to follow. One of the standards was to pursue strength, hope, charity, justice, faith, loyalty and moderation. Christianity, also influenced Chivalry by setting a standard that knights should help the weak and helpless. Knights, also took part in Christian wars, like the crusades.
A knight’s job is to be a good fighter on horseback and to give military service to the king. During peace, knights resided in castles or strong, fortified houses.
Chivalry became popular in writing during the medieval period. Chivalry was used in romantic writings during the Renaissance. In modern writing, Chivalry is used for stories where knights go rescue a damsel in distress.
Knighthood and Chivalry were forgotten during the Renaissance. Even Today Knighthoods are still granted to some people. These knighthoods are granted less for defensive purposes but done more for great deeds.
November 17, 2017 at 19:34
That is a nice review of knighthood and to whom it was and still is granted.